Custom Handmade Painting
I create powerful paintings – MANDALAS, crafted for your soul’s ascension, elevating your vibrational frequency and guiding you to reclaim your inner power.
Elevating your frequency is intertwined with expanding consciousness, enabling you to embrace greater well-being and ascend to higher realms of existence.
Studies have shown that looking at mandalas can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and promote overall well-being.
By releasing tensions, you can effortlessly navigate towards your destined path and manifest the reality you yearn to experience.

Energetic commissioned paintings are attuned to specific individuals, relationships, places, or spaces.
Each painting comes with its own story, and is uniquely created while being attuned to the energy of the person.
I encourage commissioning a painting for yourself or a dear friend if you wish to:
- Nurture your soul, mind, or body
- release old patterns
- raise your vibrational frequency and activate healing
- resolve specific life challenges
- if you feel that stuck energy originates from deeper realms beyond this lifetime – in this case a painting helps and supports you in releasing past life residues.
- resolve family patterns and provide protection
- find direction in life purpose
Each painting is infused with unique cosmic insights and energies.
With the painting, you will receive its meaning/chanelled message.
For the painting to serve its sacred purpose, you must also contribute the necessary energetic alignment.
Given the uniqueness of each custom-made painting, pricing can only be determined once your exact desires are known.
When establishing the price, I consider:
- Dimensions
- Details – how many and how complex
- Whether it is framed or unframed ( I provide separate frames for glow-in-the-dark paintings, accompanied by special lights)

Thanks to its frequency-raising and energy-giving properties, JekaArt is made available everywhere – I can package and send it wherever you are.
I ensure that the paintings arrive safely and undamaged. I use film, cardboard, and other packaging materials.
For international shipping, I use a reliable courier service.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have during the creation process.
What others say
A beautiful and powerful artist whose paintings are so vivid, healing, beautiful, and unique.
I've had this painting for over a year, and my heart sings every time I look at it.
When I first saw it, I felt it was created for me, so I bought it without hesitation.

JekaArt paintings are fascinating, they have magic. You can feel it specially, while looking at them in real life.
I ordered a painting, which came with a supportive message. Amazing! The mandala really works; it gives me peace and connection to myself. 💖

I feel like I've manifested this wonderful healing painting. It truly made me gasp – as if the Universe had fulfilled my heartfelt wish!!!! For me, it just shows how big-hearted you are and that you really have a pure desire to help and inspire people! It's very, very beautiful!!!

To order a painting, please fill out the healing painting order form first.
We will send you an offer within 24 hours and ask additional questions if necessary.
Once you agree to the offer and make a 50% non-refundable deposit, I will start creating your healing painting.
I will have a call/conversation with you, creating a connection with your higher self so I can energetically sense you better. If you order an energetic painting for a dear friend of yours, I will ask you questions about the person the painting is intended for.
If you have any color preferences or tones that you definitely don't want, please let me know. This way, I can take them into account when creating the painting and bring onto the canvas those color combinations that are for your higher good.
Usually, it takes about 3 weeks to create a painting. In some cases, it may take up to 1 month, especially if it is a large painting. After the painting is completed, I let it dry for a few days before applying a protective varnish. I will stay in touch with you during the painting process to ensure everything is ready on time.
Upon completion of the order, please pay the remaining 50% of the fee and shipping costs. I will send you an invoice via email.
Be sure to let me know as soon as you receive the painting, what feelings and emotions you experienced when you saw it.
Any feedback is always welcome. Also, share with me any changes you have experienced in your life or noticed after receiving the painting. I am always delighted to hear how the created artwork has positively changed your life.